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How to Start Selling on Amazon for Beginners

Amazon offers a vast marketplace for anyone looking to sell products online. If you're new to this, don't worry! This guide will walk you through the fundamental steps to start selling on Amazon successfully.

Understanding How Amazon Works

Before diving into the Amazon market place, it's important to understand the basics of Amazon's selling options.

There are two main plans: Individual and Professional. The Individual plan suits those with a few items to sell and charges a fee per item sold. The Professional plan is for serious sellers, charging a monthly subscription but providing tools for managing larger inventories.

Choose Your Fulfillment Method

Amazon offers two ways to handle orders: Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) and Fulfilled by Merchant (FBM). With FBA, Amazon takes care of storing, shipping, and customer service. This can make your products more reliable. With FBM, you handle these tasks yourself, giving you more control over the process.

Research Your Product and Optimize Listings

Finding the right product to sell is crucial. Tools like Jungle Scout or Helium 10 can help you understand the demand and competition for different products. Once you've chosen a product, optimize your listing by writing clear product titles with keywords, creating bullet points that highlight benefits, and providing detailed descriptions. Good quality images from different angles can help customers see your product clearly.

Master Amazon SEO

Amazon has its own search engine, so using the right keywords is essential. Research relevant keywords using Amazon's keyword tool and include them naturally in your product title, bullet points, and description. Don't forget the backend search terms section, where you can add more keywords. Positive product reviews also play a significant role in boosting your product's visibility and credibility.

Winning the Buy Box

The Buy Box is where customers start the buying process. To win it, you need competitive pricing, so keep an eye on your prices and adjust them when needed. If you're using FBA, you have an advantage due to Amazon's reliable shipping. Additionally, maintaining excellent seller performance metrics, like a low order defect rate and fast response time, increases your chances of winning the Buy Box.

Effective Advertising and Marketing

Amazon provides advertising options to boost your sales:

  • Sponsored Products: These ads promote individual products within search results and related listings.
  • Sponsored Brands: These ads display your brand logo, a headline, and multiple products.
  • Product Display Ads: Target specific interests or categories to reach potential customers.
  • Amazon Coupons and Deals: These attract price-sensitive buyers with discounts.

Monitor and Adjust Your Strategy

Regularly analyze your sales data, traffic, and customer feedback to find areas for improvement. Manage your inventory carefully to avoid running out of stock, which could affect your ranking. Keep an eye on your competition to stay ahead. Also, stay informed about Amazon's policy updates and algorithm changes to adapt your strategies accordingly.

Building Your Brand

For brand growth, consider these steps:

  • Enhanced Brand Content: If you're a registered brand owner, use this feature to create visually appealing and informative product listings.
  • Amazon Storefront: Design a customized storefront showcasing all your products.
  • Brand Registry: Enroll in Amazon's Brand Registry to protect your brand from counterfeits and access marketing features.


Selling on Amazon might seem overwhelming at first, but by following these simple steps, you can start selling on Amazon with confidence. Remember, success takes time and effort. Keep learning, stay adaptable, and focus on delivering value to your customers. With dedication, you can build a thriving online business on Amazon.

August 24, 2023 - Reading time: 17 minutes