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Blogging, motivation and golden eggs!

Do you see blogging as a chore or something that you look forward to? Your answer to that question may be a lot more valuable to you than you imagine. It could be an indicator that you need to make an important adjustment to the way you use your business blog.

Business owners who blog tend to fit into one of the following 2 groups.

Some see blogging as a chore

The first group don’t write posts very often and see blogging as a marketing activity that they have to do.

Of course, it’s hard to find the time or motivation to blog, when you see it as a chore. It’s understandable too, when we consider that the massive majority of business owners who blog have no effective strategy, so they see very little reward for their efforts. They wrongly assume blogging is the problem, rather than the approach they are using.

Some see blogging as a goose that lays golden eggs

The second group always seem to find the time and energy to invest in developing their blog.

Of course, it’s easy to get motivated to blog, when you see bankable results from your blogging, such as new clients and more targeted, high quality marketing leads. When leaders from your industry contact you via your blog to ask your opinion and you see your reputation growing within your marketplace literally every working day, blogging is actually extremely enjoyable.

I generated close to a quarter of a million dollars in high quality business from my blogging last year, and loved writing every word or every post! Blogging is only a chore, when it isn’t generating the results you need.

What next?

If you are in that first group, the solution is not to do more of what doesn’t work. That would be like rowing a boat harder and harder in the wrong direction, hoping you will magically reach your destination, if you just row hard enough for long enough.

The answer is to get yourself into the second group, by learning how to do the right things, corretly.

When you do, blogging suddenly becomes a positive circle, where your effort is rewarded many times over. This motivates you to carry on doing the right things, correctly, which creates increasingly good results, which inspire you to do more.

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One Response to Blogging, motivation and golden eggs!

  1. Dhana says:

    Great article – and a bit of a kick in the right direction – you are so right, I’ve been a little stuck in the first group, but definitely looking forward to moving into the second!

    All the best


January 23, 2021 - Reading time: 7 minutes