It shows Seth Godin, writer of one of the most well-known marketeer, in action. The only office equipment he has in front of him is a notebook, phone, iPhone and keyboard. That’s it. Seth calls this type of set-up our factory, because when used correctly it can become a highly profitable powerhouse; like the factories of the industrial revolution.
The foundation of your blogging factory
I was sent that photo after I wrote a post, explaining that it’s the content of our mind that’s responsible for our marketing success and not the content of our office. Your ability to think creatively is of far greater value to you, than any piece of tech equipment. It’s all too easy to focus on the tools, when in reality, as bloggers, our factory requires just a few simple things:
- A good web hosting service .
- A copy of WordPress and a flexible, SEO friendly blog theme.
A computer and Internet connection. - Oh, and the determination to regularly turn up with blog posts that have something interesting to say; rather than echoing what every other blogger is saying!
The reason so many bloggers obsess about the exact configuration of their set-up, is that they haven’t yet figured out that it’s the final point on that list, which makes all the difference. Our success is determined by our decision to regularly deliver useful, interesting posts and not the make of computer we use to write them with. It’s the content our factory produces, which matters.
The bottom line: People read, share, talk about and buy great content. They couldn’t care less what kind of set-up that content was created with.
PS: I strongly recommend you take a look at Set Godin's Books.
Wonderful post! I used to work at the kitchen table, often amongst breakfast detritus or homework horrors! My worst nightmare would have been any sort of webcam connection! My credibility would have been sunk in a moment of porridge carnage!
It is perhaps less that readers don’t care than that they just don’t need to know!!
I’m sitting here in my other half’s lounge, 200 miles from home. My laptop is on a dining room chair and I’m perched on the sofa surrounded by a sea of mess as he tries to cull some of the books and paperwork from his bachelor pad.
My office is inside my head, all I need is to be able to plug into the internet and type the brain dump.
In terms of content, it’s funny but I’ve found I get more traffic when I address questions for which I’ve had to struggle to find the answers than from posts which deal with questions for which I think my readers need the answers.
Seth’s stuff doesn’t do much for me. But one day I’ll try again to see if I can read it. Your writing, however, feels fresh and useful. Keep up the good work. Martin
Less is more.
At least in the case of you and Seth.
Okay, he’s got you beat as far as ‘legnth’ goes; his posts are pretty short…
But you both deliver thought-provoking blog posts that possess actionable activities or thought-processess that can make a difference in your business.
Where I think you’re heads and shoulders above him is in the actionable activities department for businesses.
I read and learn many things from both of you
I appreciate your work, thanks AMZing Marketing!